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Regina Silveira

Bienal do Mercosul

September 10–November 15, 2011

To Be Continued...(Latin American Puzzle) (1998)

To Be Continued...(Latin American Puzzle) (1998)
Vinyl on EVA; dimensions variable
Edition of 10 with 2 APs

Press Release

Regina Silveira is included in the 2011 Bienal do Mercosul. The theme of the 8th edition of the Mercosul Biennial—Essays in Geopoetics—is territory and its critical redefinition from an artistic viewpoint. Assembling more than 100 artists from 34 countries, the 8th Biennial facilitates a global discussion focused on the topics of mapping, colonization, frontier, geopolitical constructs, locality, politics, and the idea of the nation.

According to José Roca, chief curator for this edition, “the 8th Biennial wants to show alternatives to the conventional idea of nation and discuss new cartographies, the relationships between political and geographical conditions, a positioning between the regional and the global, the routes of circulation and exchange of symbolic capital, citizenship in non-urban areas, the political status of fictional nations and the relationship between science, travel and colonisation.”